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Important Dates - Early Bird Registration : 20th December 2024   |   Abstract Submission : 20th January 2025   |   Full Paper Submission : 30th January 2025   |   Standard Registration Starts From : 21st December 2024

Scope of the Conference

Innovative Healthcare Solutions : Explore cutting-edge technologies, treatments, and practices that contribute to sustainable healthcare and global well-being.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) : Discuss how healthcare innovations can align with and support the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, particularly those related to health, well-being, and environmental sustainability.

Research and Collaboration : Provide a platform for researchers, healthcare professionals, and academicians to present their latest findings, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects that promote sustainable healthcare development.

Global Health Challenges : Address pressing global health issues such as climate change impacts on health, infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, and healthcare accessibility.

Policy and Innovation : Examine the role of policy-making in fostering healthcare innovation, and how regulations can be adapted to support sustainable development.

Digital Health and Technology : Highlight the role of digital health tools, telemedicine, and artificial intelligence in advancing sustainable healthcare solutions.

Public Health and Community Engagement : Promote initiatives that involve communities in healthcare planning and implementation, ensuring that sustainable healthcare solutions are inclusive and equitable.

Networking Opportunities : Facilitate networking among participants, including researchers, industry experts, policymakers, and practitioners, to foster partnerships and collaborative projects.

Hybrid Participation : Offer a hybrid format to include both in-person and virtual participation, ensuring wider accessibility and engagement from global stakeholders.