Oral Presentation

You can
present your ideas or research in a lively oral presentation at
our conference, supported by engaging slides that bring your
insights to life. It's your chance to captivate the audience and
share your work with enthusiasm!
Guidelines For Presentation
- Craft your presentation with a clear flow from one slide to the next.
- Make use of charts and graphs to highlight your main points. This will aid with the audience's comprehension of the information.
- Keep your slides simple.
- Avoid flashy effects like gifs and vibrant colours as the audience can get confused by too many elaborate graphs and charts with a ton of data and statistics.
- Use fewer words in the slide. You can employ the 6-6-6 rule: maximum 6 words per bullet, maximum 6 bullets per slide, and maximum 6 text slides in a row.
- Choose high-contrast, easily readable fonts, around 30-point size.
- Avoid font variations and don’t use all caps or italics.
- Keep your presentation within the 8-10 minute timeframe.