About Bioleagues

About Bioleagues

BioLEAGUES Worldwide is a non-profitable Professional Association meant for the promotion of research and development in the field of Medical & Life science. BioLEAGUES is also involved in helping researchers in the grass root level rigorously network with life science professionals & medical professionals in order to aid the sustainable development of the field of medical science.

BioLEAGUES Worldwide provides a world class platform for Doctors, Scientists, Physicians, Researchers, Academicians, Business figures and Healthcare professionals by organizing conferences and publishing research articles. BioLEAGUES Worldwide Conferences bring together the professional wizards and leaders who have explored all avenues to reinforce the field of Life Sciences and Medicine Technology.

We work with a motto of creating a better tomorrow by organizing conferences and creating a network which will lead to a better tomorrow with the help of advanced technology, thus helping achieve sustainable development.

Objective of the Conference

The main aim is to promote awareness of proper care of mental health, the risk associated with improper treatment along with its impact on mental health patients and develop the possibilities to cure Neuropsychiatric Disorder.

  • Advance understanding of nervous systems and their role in behavior
  • Promote education in the neurosciences
  • Inform the general public on results and implications of current research.
  • Stimulate new ideas for treatment that will be beneficial across the spectrum of Neurology.
  • Exchange new scientific approaches and advancements for development of new techniques applications and diagnostic techniques for global health.

2nd International Conference on Neuroscience, Neurology and Neurological Disorders 2021 focusing on improving the lives of those living with neurological problems, nurturing careers of mental health scientists and practitioners and promoting the interdisciplinary nature of neurosurgery research, management and education.

Theme of the Conference

The 2nd International Conference on Neuroscience, Neurology and Neurological Disorders 2021 focuses on the theme “Important & Revolutionary Investigations in Neuroscience”. The evolution of the field of neuroscience has been propelled by the advent of novel technological capabilities, and the pace at which these capabilities are being developed has accelerated dramatically in the past decade. Neurology and Therapeutics is a unique forum to bring together worldwide distinguished academics in the field of neuroscience and neurology, Brain researchers, public health professionals, scientists, academic scientists, industry researchers, scholars to exchange state of the art research and technologies. Aim of this conference is to stimulate new ideas for treatment that will be beneficial across the spectrum of Brain disorders. The Global neurology market contributes to $34.5 billion which includes major countries such as the US (74%), Europe (64%), Japan (8.3%), and UAE (7.8%).