Conference Registration

Explore our flexible registration packages designed to suit diverse participant needs. Choose the plan that aligns with your preferences, providing access to an array of conference benefits. Seize the opportunity to engage, learn, and collaborate while enjoying the exclusive privileges offered through our various registration options.

Proceedings & Publications

Indexed supporting journals of ICPHPHHM 2025 published by renowned publishers will provide with the opportunity to publish full papers following the peer review process. Authors are encouraged to read scope and choose the best fitting journal.

Note : ICPHPHHM - 2025 proceedings series will be submitted to the Web of Science Book Citation Index (BkCI) and to SCOPUS for evaluation and indexing.

Registration Instructions

**Note : Additional Charges Applicable For Scopus publication (T& C Apply)

Step:1 Select the Preferable admittance category

Admittance Category Early Bird Standard Price Onspot Price
Group Delegates
Student *
Group Student *
Delegates with Scopus Publication Support
Student with Scopus Publication Support *
Listener/ Non-Presenter
Poster Presentation
Admittance Category Early Bird Standard Price Onspot Price
Group Delegates
Student *
Group Student *
Delegates with Scopus Publication Support
Student with Scopus Publication Support *
Virtual Presentation Participants
Admittance Category Early Bird Standard Price
Group Delegates
Student *
Group Student *
Delegates with Scopus Publication Support
Student with Scopus Publication Support *
Poster Presentation
Admittance Category Early Bird Price Standard Price
Group Delegates
Student *
Group Student *
Delegates with Scopus Publication Support
Student with Scopus Publication Support *

Step:2 Fill Out the Form

International Conference on Public Health, Physical Health, and Healthcare Management
10% discount successfully added. ×

Registration Benefits

The Innovations in Education and e-Learning is intended to provide endless opportunities to academicians, researchers, scholars, industry professionals, and alike to connect and expand their knowledge. All session tracks will be led by experts, covering various relevant topics and latest research in these areas. So, it is going to be an enriching knowledge sharing and knowledge gathering forum for all attendees.

Physical Presentation

  • Get a dedicated presentation slot.
  • Knowledge sharing with speakers, session chairs & other participants.
  • Listen to all keynotes, plenary sessions, special sessions and parallel sessions.
  • Conference participation/presentation certificate.
  • Get your work published in Scopus/WOS/Google Scholar Indexed journals.
  • Your presentation videos will be available in public forums like Facebook and YouTube
  • Become eligible to participate in technical sessions and workshops.
  • Receive a conference folder/bag, conference proceedings, notepad, pen, etc.
  • Best presentations will be awarded.
    Additional Benefits
  • Video presenters will be able to experience a full virtual conference through Zoom.
  • Listeners will receive a participation certificate.


There are three payment options to pay your registration fee for International Conference on Public Health, Physical Health and Healthcare Management
  • Online Payment (Using Credit/Debit Card)
  • Bank Transfer (TT)
  • PayPal

Before making the payment for the conference using any of the above methods, please contact the Conference Coordinator @+91-8015406851/ email id: [email protected]

Beneficiary Name Technoarete Research and Development Association
BANK NAME Kotak Mahindra Bank
Account number 3311747350
Branch Kodambakkam, Chennai, India

After making your payment, download the Registration Form, fill it out, and email it to [email protected] along with your payment information. The payee is accountable for all bank charges.

Important Alert:
©Please aware of fraudulent communication claiming to collect conference fees,Journal fees through unauthorized means, including cloned email addresses and phone numbers. We advises all researchers to only process payments through our official event website and report any suspicious activity to [email protected]