

Doctor with 10+ years Experience

Editorial Board Members of Prestigious Journal

Reviewer of Journal

Industrial Expertise with 10+ years Experience

Medical Consultants & Practitioners with minimum 10 years of experience

Roles & Responsibilities:

Identifying & understanding conference tasks and Committees responsible for them.

The Committee members are responsible for overseeing and coordinating the whole conference.

The Committee Members should work with the CSO & Project Manager of USFN to create the main conference structure , Later work with the Project Manager and CSO to construct a conference program (balancing oral and poster presentations, invited talks, business meeting, etc.).

To identify renowned expertise in his research area for being a part of the conference and avail the services and benefits of the organization.

Coordinate and oversee the conference work, the local Arrangements, and the other activities. Importantly this means ensuring that deadlines established in the timetable for the conference are met.

The Committee members should identify promising sponsors, exhibitors to provide better B2B scopes and opportunities at the conference.

In coordination with the Project Manager, oversee and review all publicity (social media, webpages, fliers, notices, announcements, posters, etc.) and make sure no discrepancies appear.

It is most important for him to be in alignment with overall program strategy and topics.

Work with Conference Executive Team to determine topics/theme and format.

Secure sponsorship from local organizations that is mutually beneficial to USFN and the sponsoring organizations.

To generate the revenue for the utilization and growth for the development of the association.

Use the committee to develop recommendations, get registrations for conferences and help in execution of pre-conference and conference details.

Contact keynote speakers, Guest of honor and gain commitment to date and topic.

Work out details of conference presentations and assure the interactive nature of the session.

Introduce Speakers presenter/facilitator at Conference/ work

Review and approve media deployments and assist in guiding communications.

To identify deserving researchers in his geographical location for being a part of the conference and avail the services and benefits of the organization.

To prepare and execute the Programme module and the scientific agenda of the conference.

To identify the best renowned keynote speaker in that particular field of expertise for each session of the conference.