Keynote Title : “The Unspoken Truth: Overcoming Frustration and Barriers to Generate and Enhance Contribution to the Advancement of Nursing Practice and Patient Care Worldwide”
Kaiser Permanente,
United States of America (USA)
Brokenshire College Socsksargen, Inc.,
General Santos City, Philippines
Plenary Title : “Innovative Strategies in Nursing Education: Building Resilience and Addressing Bullying”
College of Nursing and Midwifery,
University of Luzon
Dagupan City, Philippines
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Plenary Title : “Suicide: An Alarming Psychiatric Emergency”
Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences
Ex Nursing Officer
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur
Aseer Health Cluster
The rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are reshaping healthcare, necessitating a transformation in the role of nurses to meet emerging demands. AI technologies, including predictive analytics, clinical decision support systems, and automated processes, are now to healthcare delivery. Nursing competency in AI has become essential to ensure high- quality, patient-centred care while embracing innovative practices for enhanced efficiency andOutcomes. This presentation highlights the necessity of equipping nurses with AI-related competencies to address the challenges and opportunities presented by modern healthcare systems. Core areas of focus include understanding the principles of AI, interpreting AI-generated data, and integrating AI applications into clinical practice. Additionally, the ethical implications of AI, such as patient privacy, algorithmic bias, and informed consent, are critical elements of nursing education and Practice. To prepare nurses for these demands, nursing education must incorporate AI literacy through updated curricula, hands-on training, and simulation-based experiences. Building competencies in data interpretation, algorithm evaluation, and technology-assisted decision-making empowers nurses to remain proactive in a rapidly evolving digital healthcare environment. This presentation also explores the role of nurse leaders in fostering AI adoption within healthcare settings. Competent nurses can advocate for evidence-based AI integration, contribute to policy development, and ensure that technology serves as a tool to enhance, rather than replace, the human touch in caregiving. The implications of AI competency extend to professional growth, interdisciplinary collaboration, and advancing the global nursing profession. In conclusion, nursing competency in AI is no longer a vision of the future but a pressing need for today. By prioritizing AI literacy, nurses can lead the way in delivering innovative, ethical, and patient-centric care in the digital age. This presentation calls for collective action to prepare nurses for the AI-driven transformation of healthcare, ensuring they remain indispensable in shaping the future of the profession.
Keywords: Nursing competency, artificial intelligence, digital healthcare, AI literacy, nursing education, ethical considerations, nursing leadership, healthcare innovation.
College of Nursing, University of Luzon, Dagupan City, Philippines
Aim: To rigorously evaluate the effectiveness of the Cardiac Enhancement Program in significantly enhancing nursing students' knowledge and skills in the critical area of cardiovascular emergency management. Methods: A sequential mixed-methods design was employed, involving 24 Level IV nursing students. Data collection encompassed pre-and post-tests, a comprehensive 30-item questionnaire, and semi-structured interviews. Quantitative data were meticulously analyzed using paired t-tests and Cohen's d, while qualitative responses underwent rigorous thematic analysis for depth of insight. Results: Initial assessments revealed a concerning pre-test mean score of 10.50 ± 1.38, indicative of inadequate knowledge. Post-intervention results showcased a remarkable transformation, with scores soaring to 18.37 ± 2.16 (p < 0.001, d = 3.81). The thematic analysis highlighted a profound increase in students' competence, confidence, and awareness of emergency protocols. Nonetheless, critical gaps persisted in advanced and pediatric scenarios. Conclusion: The Cardiac Enhancement Program has proven to be a powerful tool in elevating nursing students' preparedness for managing cardiovascular emergencies, fostering confidence and competence. However, to build on this success, it is essential to implement more realistic simulations and ongoing follow-up sessions. This approach will reinforce knowledge retention and address the specialized scenarios necessary for comprehensive emergency training and improved patient outcomes.
Keywords: Cardiac Enhancement Program, Cardiovascular Disease, Mixed Method Design, Nursing Education, Nursing Students
Golden Skin Medical Company
This case study explores the evolving role of dermatology and aesthetic nursing within the healthcare landscape. Professionals in this field have experienced having the sentiment of being perceived as "just" Derma Nurses as if their role lacks distinction or significance. This study advocates for the global recognition of dermatology and aesthetic nursing as distinct specialties, emphasizing the unique combination of clinical expertise and artistry they represent. Despite its dynamic nature and the complex skill set required—including clinical foundations, in-depth knowledge of anatomy and aesthetic principles, comprehensive trainings, and proficiency in advanced and intricate cosmetic procedures— recognition of nurses' contributions in these fields are primarily limited to the USA and Canada, leading to misconceptions about their skills and expertise in other regions. By recognizing dermatology and aesthetic nursing as distinct disciplines on a global scale, healthcare systems can establish standardized care pathways that effectively address individual concerns related to several key factors: Skin Health—this encompasses a range of services, including skin rehabilitation, corrective treatments, and facial modification or reconstruction; Aging Process—strategies aimed at slowing down the aging and promoting skin rejuvenation can be implemented; Self- Esteem—enhanced through patient education, counseling, and ensuring high levels of patient satisfaction after procedures. This comprehensive approach meets patients' unique needs efficiently and significantly improves overall quality of care. Furthermore, recognizing these specialties not only fosters professional development but also empowers nurses with specialized expertise. It is crucial to emphasize that through extensive training on a diverse range of dermatological machines and products that meet the standards, Dermatology and Aesthetic nurses can autonomously apply their skills and knowledge in patient care, enabling patients to make decisions about their treatment options.
Keywords: Dermatology and Aesthetic Nursing, Evolving Healthcare, Elevating Standards, Professional Development, Patient Satisfaction, Advancing Patient Care
Statement of the Problem: “A study to assess the effectiveness of Gua-Sha therapy on Breast Engorgement among post natal mothers in selected Hospital Surat, Gujarat.”StudyObjectives(1)ToassessthedegreeofBreastEngorgementamongpost-natalmothersinselected Hospital Surat, Gujarat. (2) To implement Gua-Sha therapy on breast Engorgement inexperimentalgroup.(3)Toassessthedegreeofbreastengorgementamongpostnatalmothersafterimp ement ationof Gua–Shatherapy(4)Tofindouttheassociationbetweenpost-testscorewiththeir selected demographic variables. Methodology:Experimental research design. The samplefor the study consists of 60 post-natal mothers selected by Non-Probability Purposive samplingtechnique. Six-Point Engorgement Scale was used to assess the degree of Breast Engorgement.Result :The data were analyzed and interpreted in light of objective and hypothesis.Thedescriptiveandinferentialstatisticsintermofmean,standarddeviation,ttestandchisquarewereused for analysis of data. The mean difference in Experimental group was 2.4 and Control groupwas 1.4.It reveals that mean difference in experimental group significantly higher than controlgroup.Inexperimentalgroupthecalculatedpaired‘t’valueofdegreeofEngorgementwasgreaterthan tabulated value at 0.05 level of significance. In control group the calculated paired ‘t’ valueofdegreealsogreaterthantabulatedvalueat0.05levelofsignificance.Buttherewassignificantdif erence in paired calculated ‘t’ test value in experimental and control group. In comparison ofpost test values of degree of Breast Engorgement between experimental and control group,calculated ‘t’ value was significantly higher than tabulated ‘t’ value at 0.05 level of significance.Chisquaretestwasusedtofindoutassociationbetweenposttestscoreandselecteddemographicva riable. The finding reveal that, there was significant association between degree of BreastEngorgement with Gravida status, Parity, Type of delivery and APGAR score. Conclusion:Effectiveness of Gua-Sha therapy found to be effective intervention in reducing degree of BreastEngorgement among post natal mothers. The findings of the study enlighten the fact that Gua-Shatherapy can be used as a cost effective nursing intervention in reducing degree of BreastEngorgement.
Keywords: BreastEngorgement,Gua-Shatherapy.
Caesarean section is reported to be one of the most common surgery among women. The post caesarean section pain is frequently ignored, which may affect the patient’s satisfaction and diminish her quality of life. Although analgesia is used to relieve pain, today’s nursing system has focused on complementary treatments and non pharmacological intervention. Massage therapy is a practice that increase the blood flow and oxygen to the massaged area by manipulating the muscles and other soft tissue in the body. The present study suggests that foot massage may be helpful for the mothers with post caesarean section pain.Objective:1)To assess the level of pain before and after administering Foot Massage among experimental and control group.2)To assess the level of pain after administering Foot Massage in experimental group.3)To compare level of pain between experimental and control group.4)To find out association of post test level of pain with selected socio demographic variables. Research method: A quantitative research approach with quasi experimental design was used and the study conducted at selected hospital Surat. The sample comprised 60 samples Sample was selected by using non probability purposive convenient sampling technique. Data was collected by using demographic Obstetrical and Self structured behavioral observation checklist. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential Stastics. RESULT: Paired ‘t’ test and unpaired ‘t’ test was used to prove that. Findings reveals that mean pretest score was higher than mean post test score at 0.05 level of significant. Chi-square test was used to find out the association between post test pain score and demographic variables. The finding revels that there were significant association of gravida, number of live baby and history of past caesarean section. This research study shows that the foot massage is effective in reducing level of pain among post caesarean section mother.
Keywords: Foot Massage , Post operative pain, Caesarean mothers.
Veer narmad South Gujarat university/ vibrant nursing college surat Gujarat
Gelastic seizure is a type of seizure nicknamed as “Laughing seizures” because it is characterized by uncontrolled laughing or giggling. A Gelastic seizure is a rare focal or partial seizure that causes uncontrolled laughing or giggling even in absence of joy or happiness. This type of seizure is begins in one part of your brain opposed to generalized seizures that develop in whole brain. Gelastic seizure is name from the Greek word “gelos” means “Laughter”. Gelastic seizure is extremely rare form of epilepsy presenting with recurrent bouts of inappropriate stereotyped laughter sound commonly associated with a hypothalamic Hamartoma. Laughing is an entirely quality and a part of everyday life. Laughter has a positive effect on measures of generalized well beings. Gelastic seizures aren’t life threatening, often don’t respond well to medication. They are associated with other health conditions that can impact the quality of child’s life. About 60 – 65 % of people with these seizures have cognitive problems.
Veer Narmad South Gujarat University Vibrant Nursing College Surat Gujarat India
The birth weight is not only a critical determinant of child survival, growth and development but also a valuable indicator of maternal health, nutrition and also quality of life. Low birth weight is closely associated with fetal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY – 1. To assess the bio – physiological parameters among the low birth weight babies in experimental and control group. 2. To assess the sucking response among the low birth weight babies in experimental and control group. 3. To assess the effectiveness of Nesting on bio – physiological parameters among low birth weight babies in experimental group. 4. To assess the effectiveness of Nesting on sucking response among low birth weight babies in experimental group. 5. To find out the association between post test bio – physiological parameters and sucking response in experimental group with their selected demographic variables. METHODS: A quantitative research approach with quasi experimental Non randomized control group research design was used for the study. The study was conducted at selected hospitals in Surat. The sample comprised of 60 LBW babies. Sample was selected by using purposive sampling technique. Formal written permission from selected hospitals authorities was obtained prior data collection process. Bio physiological parameters like temperature, pulse, Spo 2 was assessed by thermometer, pulse oximeter and manual count and sucking response was assessed by using modified early feeding skill assessment scale.
Result: Result of this research study shows that the experimental group bio - physiological parameters and sucking response were more improved as compare to control group. Therefore it can be concluded that Nesting is effective on bio - physiological parameters and sucking response among low birth weight babies.
New Era University Philippines/ Sheikh Khalifa Medical City Ajman UAE
Shared governance has emerged as a transformative strategy in nursing leadership. According to Hess (2017), shared governance promotes professional autonomy and collaboration, leading to increased job satisfaction among nurses. Barden et al. (2011) demonstrated that hospitals with established shared governance models report higher nurse retention rates and improved patient care outcomes. The most common benefit of shared governance is empowerment. A nurse and front line team-driven model is a practical and structured approach (Owen, Boswell, Opton, Franco, & Meriwether, 2017). Shared governance is a working model of participatory decision-making in which nurses and the interdisciplinary team follow an organized decision-making process about practice standards, quality improvement, professional development, and research leading to improved outcomes and shared success (Winslow, Hougan, DeGuzman, & Black, 2015). It includes shared accountability, shared vision, collaborative partnerships, and focuses on outcomes leading to shared success. Alignment with hospital policies, the nursing professional practice model, organizational strategic plan, and fiscal responsibility is essential. The use of a professional practice model and shared governance model are supportive frameworks. Although it can be seen as a nursing model, shared governance is an interdisciplinary process in which various disciplines from across the hospital identify issues and collaborate to determine solutions (Winslow et al., 2015). A universal understanding of what the shared governance process means to each nurse and the team is pivotal to ensure that everyone speaks the same language. The shared governance process has been defined as a multifaceted concept that encompasses the structure for members to participate in the decision making process and goals of the organization (Hess, 2017). Further research highlights the direct correlation between shared governance and nursing engagement. A study by Morvant et al. (2020) found that shared governance structures empower nurses to contribute to policy-making and clinical decisions, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability. Similarly, Clavelle et al. (2016) argue that shared governance enhances communication and trust between nursing staff and management, resulting in a more cohesive team dynamic. The ability to have greater autonomy and support leads to greater empowerment through a structured process (Moreno, Girard, & Foad, 2018). The use of standardized process and expectations supports the shared governance process (Giambra et al., 2018). Engaging frontline team members in the development and planning process can support increased empowerment and engagement (Ghosh, 2012). Patient outcomes are also positively influenced by shared governance. Evidence from Monroe and Lyons (2022) indicates that hospitals practicing shared governance see reductions in adverse events, such as hospital-acquired infections and patient falls, due to improved teamwork and adherence to evidence-based practices. These findings underscore the potential of shared governance as a critical component of healthcare quality improvement initiatives. While the benefits of shared governance are well-documented, challenges in implementation remain. Factors such as resistance to change, lack of leadership support, and insufficient training can hinder its success (Porter-O’Grady & Malloch, 2018). Key to a successful shared governance model is the support of unit level councils in the organizational structure; most organizations fall short by failing to consider imperative structural factors (Ballard, 2010). These councils depend on leadership support through development of leaders who oversee the shared governance councils, and staff engagement in the process.
Associate professor, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Narayana College of Nursing, Nellore
Background: Shift work in intensive care units disrupts circadian rhythms, leading to Shift Work Disorder (SWD) and associated health issues. ICU nurses frequently experience sleep disturbances, fatigue, and various physical and mental health challenges, impacting their well-being and job performance.
Objectives:To assess the prevalence of shift work disorders among ICU nurses. To identify health problems associated with shift work disorders. To examine the association between SWD and socio-demographic variables.
Methods:A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted at a tertiary care hospital in Nellore with 60 ICU nurses selected through non-probability convenience sampling. Data were collected using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (1990) and a checklist of health problems linked to SWD.
Results: The prevalence of SWDs was 44.07%. Common complaints included headaches (61%), back pain (57.8%), gastritis (33.3%), and menstrual disorders (30%). Anxiety and depression were reported in 17.6% and 28.8% of nurses, respectively. Sleep disturbances varied, with 45% experiencing higher normal sleepiness and 28% reporting mild excessive sleepiness. The mean prevalence score was 10.06 (SD = 2.70).
Conclusion:Optimized shift scheduling, stress management, and health promotion programs are essential to mitigate the adverse effects of shift work on ICU nurses.
Keywords: Shift Work Disorder, ICU Nurses, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Health Problems, Tertiary Care Hospital.
D. Y. Patil College of Nursing. Kolhapur, D. Y. Patil Education Society (Deemed to be University), Kolhapur.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity is one of the most common, yet among the most neglected, public health problems in developing countries. According to the WHO World Health Statistics Report 2012, globally one in six adults is obese and nearly 2.8 million individuals die each year due to overweight or obesity.Majority of the subjects 379(47.4%) belonged to age group of 41-45 years and minimum 47 (5.9%) belonged to 21-25 age group. Majority of the subjects 437 (54.63%) were female and 363(45.38%) were male. In terms of religion 556(69.5%) of subjects belonged to Hindu religion and minimum 48 (8%) subjects belong to Christian region. In terms of occupation majority of subjects 373 (46.6%) were housewife and minimum 13 (1.6%) subjects were doing Government job. About dietary habit majority of subjects594 (74.3%) were consuming mixed diet and minimum 55 (6.9%) consuming eggetarian diet. Majority of subject 405 (50.63%) had >8 hours sleep per day and 395 (49.38%) had < 7-8 hours sleep per day. The majority of participants fall under the "Pre-Obesity" (43.3%) and "Normal Weight" (39.8%) categories, collectively representing 83.1% of the sample. A notable portion (11.1%) of the sample falls into the Obesity classifications (Classes I and II), highlighting potential areas for health interventions. A small proportion of participants (5.9%) are underweight, suggesting undernutrition issues within the population. The result related to 14 factors influencing obesity among 800 samples Sweetened Beverages: 47.4% consume 2-3 times a month, 5% daily. Regular consumption may contribute to weight gain. Sweets: 42.63% consume once a month or less, 5.38% daily. Frequent sweet intake raises obesity risk. Fried Foods: 48.5% consume 1-2 times a week, 6.38% daily. High fat content contributes to obesity. Sugar/Honey in Beverages: 52.9% consume once a month or less, 20.6% regularly. High sugar intake poses obesity risks. Saturated Fat: 87.13% consume once a month or less. Low consumption of saturated fat. Refined Foods: 95.875% consume once a month or less, reflecting minimal intake of burgers, pizza, etc. Fruits and Salads: 53.1% consume 3-4 times a week, 8% daily. Limited daily intake reduces fiber, raising obesity risk. Sprouted Pulses/Green Vegetables: 39.75% consume every meal, 13.75% less than once a week. Lower intake affects diet balance. Meal Frequency: 42.1% eat 3 meals a day, 30.9% eat 2 meals. Skipping meals may lead to unhealthy snacking. Eating Out: 79.75% eat out less than once a month, 20.25% twice a month. Limited eating out helps manage calorie intake.
Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources followed by the potential for varied industrial growth, from the diversity of industries, of course they will implement the Occupational Health and Safety System, where OH Nurse is one of those who has a vital role in it as Occupational Health and Safety Workers in Indonesia. Data from the Ministry of Health 2023 shows the high number of nursing human resources in Indonesia 582 thousand people, then is the distribution optimal? Its welfare has been met. APPOKI (Indonesian Academy of Occupational Nurse Practitioners) through the OHN Digital Platform @ohnurseedu tries to open the Paradigm of job opportunities for Indonesian nurses so that nursing education graduates are not fixated on job opportunities in Hospitals, Laboratories, Clinics, Health Services alone but work in National and Multinational Industries both at home and abroad of course with Attractive Benefits. The scientific concept of OHN developed by APPOKI adopts from AAOHN, ANZSOM, and OHNAP which are adjusted to the conditions in Indonesia. This study uses a Qualitative method with a Descriptive approach regarding the first OHN Digital Platform Innovation in Indonesia @ohnurseedu carried out by APPOKI, purposive sampling, namely those who are considered competent or are considered to know for sure about Innovation and needs in the field by Paramedic Practitioners, OH Nurses and nursing students in Indonesia, Qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques draw conclusions from the statements of the participants. From the results of this Innovation, it was found that it had a very positive impact that the courses and information initiated by APPOKI were very Applicable and Real according to needs in the field. With 4 main APPOKI programs, Webinar, Bootcamp & CPD, OHN Certification, and APPOKI Goes to Campus.
St. Francis of Assisi College Las Pinas
Garbage collectors face significant health risks due to prolonged exposure to municipal solid waste (MSW), potentially containing hazardous chemicals and pollutants. Despite projected increases in waste generation, research on respiratory health outcomes remains scarce. As such, this study aimed to evaluate the respiratory health of 71 garbage collectors from CENRO-Las Piñas. The Saint George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) assessed symptoms, activity limitations, psychosocial impacts, and overall health outcomes, which were compared to baseline data from individuals without respiratory conditions. Statistical analysis included frequency and percentage distributions for demographic and health profiles, with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) identifying significant differences based on demographic factors. Ethical considerations were ensured by obtaining informed consent, maintaining confidentiality, and ensuring a right to withdraw. Findings revealed that 62% (44) of respondents experienced high levels of respiratory symptoms, and 54% (38) reported significant activity limitations. In contrast, 34% (24) reported high psychosocial impacts. Overall, 44% (31) of respondents had high total scores, indicating more significant respiratory health issues. Age did not significantly affect the results (p > 0.05); however, length of employment was a significant factor, with workers employed for over 10 years showing worse respiratory health outcomes (p < 0.05). Based on these findings, the study recommends the implementation of long-term intervention programs, including “ALAGA SA KALUSUGAN AT AKSYON SA PAGHINGA NG PALERO” for long-term garbage collectors, seminars on MSW exposure, and the “ALAGA’T GINHAWA: ANG KARAVAN NG KALUSUGAN” free health caravan for providing accessible healthcare and education to improve respiratory health of garbage collectors.
Amity College of Nursing, Amity University Haryana, India.
BACKGROUND : Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) is essential for viral suppression and enhancing the quality of life (QoL) of people living with HIV (PLWH). Nurse-led interventions have emerged as effective strategies to improve ART adherence and QoL. This study assessed the effectiveness of a nurse-led multi-component intervention program (NLMIP) on antiretroviral medication adherence and quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS(PLWHA).
METHODS & MATERIALS: The study was conducted at the ART centre of a selected 1532 bedded, multi-specialty, tertiary care, government funded, teaching hospital in New Delhi, India, during the years 2022–2024. The research design employed was randomized controlled trial. A total of 300 eligible participants selected as per inclusion criteria were randomized into experimental and control groups comprising 150 subjects in each group using block randomization technique with opaque numbered sealed envelopes. NLMIP introduced by the researcher to the intervention group while the control group received standard care. Data was collected from both the groups on the various study variables at three different intervals at baseline (day 1), after 12 weeks (post-test 1), and after 24 weeks (post-test 2). ART adherence assessed using the Adherence Index (AI), and QoL measured using WHO Quality of life-HIV BREF (WHOQOL-HIV BREF-31) at baseline, 3rd and 6th months.
D. Y. Patil College of Nursing. Kolhapur, D. Y. Patil Education Society (Deemed to be University), Kolhapur.
Musical Ear Syndrome (MES) is an uncommon phenomenon described as the perception of auditory musical sensations not corresponding to any external stimulus. It seems to be more frequent in case of profound hearing loss. Musical ear syndrome also known as musical hallucinations or auditory hallucination is a condition that causes patients with hearing impairment to have non-psychiatric auditory hallucinations characterized by songs, tunes, melodies, harmonics, rhythms, and/or timbres. Hallucinations are usually musical in nature and can range from popular music, orchestral symphonies, or radio tunes without words but a few people have reported that they hear songs with words.
D.Y. PatilEducation Society’s(Institution Deemed to be University), D.Y Patil College Of Nursing, Kolhapur.
Haemodialysis impacts quality of life of patients with chronic kidney disease. Although A.V. Fistula have the lowest complaints of fear & Pain. AV fistula Cannulation in hemodialysis patients is a very stressful and painful process.
This study aims to compare the effectiveness of cryotherapy and topical application on pain intensity during A.V. fistula Cannulation in hemodialysis patients. Pain management is crucial for comprehensive nursing care, especially for nurses, who should asses and manage acute pain caused by needle insertion in A.V. fistula
The study used a quantitative, evaluative survey approach, A Quasi-experimental design, and two groups pre-test post-test. 60 haemodialysis patients were selected, with 30 in cryotherapyand 30 in topical application groups. The Modified Pain Rating Scale was used, and data analysis was performed. The reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha formula, (r=0.78) and data analysis was performed using various tests such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, range, and paired and unpaired t tests.
Grit Academy, Insight Global Health
This study evaluates the efficacy of the International Transition to Practice Program (ITPP) in facilitating the transition of Filipino Registered Nurses (RNs) to United States Registered Nurses (USRNs) at MultiCare Hospital in Washington State. Utilizing a quantitative descriptive research design, the study analyzed pre-test and post-test scores, along with satisfaction rates from 200 participants across six cohorts. Key findings indicate significant improvement in clinical competence, with average pre-test scores rising from 82.07% to 94.24% post-program, demonstrating the program's impact on skill enhancement. An Independent Sample T-test revealed a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between pre-test and post-test scores, confirming the program's effectiveness in elevating nursing competencies. Additionally, satisfaction ratings from participants reflected high approval, with most cohorts scoring in the "Excellent" range, particularly Cohort 4, which achieved a satisfaction rate of 4.95. Integrating various didactic methods, including simulation training and facilitated shifts, aligns with Patricia Benner's Novice to Expert Model, supporting nurses' progression from novice to competent practitioners. The ITPP's comprehensive approach not only equips Filipino nurses with essential clinical skills but also fosters confidence, ultimately enhancing their adaptability to the U.S. healthcare environment. These findings underline the importance of structured transition programs for international nurses, contributing to their successful integration into the healthcare workforce and ensuring high-quality patient care.
Ph.D. Nursing Research Scholar, Amity College of Nursing, Amity University Haryana, Gurugram- 122412, India
Background :
Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) provides ventilatory support while allowing patients to breathe spontaneously, through various interfaces such as nasal masks, orofacial mask, and full-face mask. While NIV reduces the risks of upper airway injuries and infections, it can lead to painful pressure injuries due to mask use.
A quasi-experimental study was conducted at respiratory unit of a tertiary care hospital in Delhi, India, from July 1, 2023 to August 30, 2023. The study employed a quantitative research design with a total sample of 200 patients. Participants were divided into two groups: a pre-intervention group (N=100) that received routine care and a post-intervention group (N=100) received specific nursing interventions.
AMITY University Haryana
Background :
The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that implementing a comprehensive midwifery care package could prevent up to 83% of maternal deaths, stillbirths, and neonatal deaths. In response, the Government of India recognizes midwifery care as an important
initiative to improve the quality of care in a respectful and dignified manner. Antenatal care serves as a primary measure to ensure the health of both mothers and their unborn children.
The utilization of antenatal care services is influenced by various factors, including the satisfaction with the care provided and the clinical competencies of the healthcare provider.
Additionally, the quality of antenatal care received by pregnant women is essential for their
adherence to antenatal schedules and compliance with health recommendations. Therefore, it
is crucial for midwives to evaluate maternal outcomes, which encompass both antenatal
satisfaction and labor outcomes for low-risk pregnant mothers. This assessment is vital for
ensuring the quality of antenatal care provided.
Methods: A quasi-experimental research design was utilized for this study. Low-risk antenatal mothers
were selected from the antenatal outpatient department (OPD) between 24 and 28 weeks of
pregnancy. Antenatal care was provided by nurse-midwives. The purposive sampling method
was used to create two groups: the midwife-led care group and the routine care group.
Antenatal satisfaction was assessed at 36 weeks using a five-point Likert scale. The scale was
developed by the researcher, ensuring both content validity and construct validity.
Additionally, labor outcomes were assessed in the labor room during delivery using an
observational checklist that outlined objective parameters.