Under the Technoarete Group, BioLEAGUES is a globally recognized non-profit professional organisation in the field of medicine, life sciences, and healthcare that unites, supports, promotes and helps the scientific community in a variety of ways, igniting and advancing all leading edge works of research with tremendous potential. In this capacity, BioLEAGUES has played a major role in many of the ground-breaking advancements that have occurred in various scientific domains over the past couple of decades. In addition to pushing the limits of innovation and discovery across various disciples, BioLEAGUES has established programs to support development in a way where the rate of advancement not just increases continuously but also stays consistent over time.
A genuinely global organisation in every, BioLEAGUES was founded in the year 2000 and has its headquarters in Chennai, India. With more than 8000 members, comprising executives from businesses, academia, policy makers, and representatives from other sectors. and 12,000 student members, BioLEAGUES has committed itself to fostering innovation, growth, and progress in all parts of medicine, life sciences, healthcare, and associated fields.
We work with a motto of creating a better tomorrow by organizing conferences and creating a network which will lead to a better tomorrow with the help of advanced technology, thus helping achieve sustainable development.