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Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
Cancellation Policy :
- If BioLEAGUES cancels this event for any unavoidable reason, you will receive a credit for 100% of the registration fee paid.
- You may use this credit for another BioLEAGUES event which must occur within one year from the date of cancellation.
Postponement Policy :
- If BioLEAGUES postpones an event for any reason and you are unable or unwilling to attend rescheduled dates, you will receive a credit for 100% of the registration fee paid.
- You may use this credit for another BioLEAGUES event which must occur within one year from the date of postponement.
Group Discount Policy :
- 7 members as a group Participation will be provided with THE 15% Concession in the total Registration fee.
Transfer Of Registration :
- All fully paid registrations are transferable to other persons from the same organization, if registered person is unable to attend the event.
- Transfer of registration is applicable only 30 days prior to the conference.
- Transfers must be made by the registered person in writing, to [email protected]
- Details include the full name of replacement person, their title, contact phone number and email address.
- All other registration details will be assigned to the new person unless and otherwise specified.
Refund Policy :
- If the registrant is unable to attend, and is not in a position to transfer his/her participation to another person or event, then the following refund arrangements apply.
- Keeping in view of advance payments towards Venue, Printing, Shipping, Hotels and other overheads, we had to classify our Refund Policy as per the following slabs-
- Within 60-50 days of Conference: Eligible for 25% of payment Refund
- Within 50 days of Conference: Not eligible for Refund
- Paper Presentation Payments will not be refunded