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Important Dates - Pre-Early Bird Registration Deadline : 4th December 2024   |   Early Bird Registration Deadline : 4th January 2025   |   Abstract Submission Deadline : 10th February 2025   |   Full Paper Submission Deadline : 17th February 2025   |   Standard Registration Starts From : 5th January 2025

About USFN

Universal Society of Food and Nutrition (USFN) is one of the non-profitable professional associations meant for research and development in the field of Food & Nutrition. USFN is a paramount body which has brought technical revolution and sustainable development in the field of Food & Nutrition.

USFN is a forum where innovations & research interest could be supported and developed prioritizing our mutual interest. Our forums & Associates constitute Professional leaders, Universities, Organizations & Associations connecting each other with a mission to work as wizards of science for defending the earth.

USFN forms partnerships with colleges, universities, professional associations, societies, and organizations to operate our local chapter functions worldwide. USFN is one of the leading publishers of research articles in its high-quality peer reviewed journals, proceedings and research magazines. USFN is a platform to promote the advancement and dissemination of the knowledge of Food & Nutrition. USFN fulfill the need of professionals even for their end-to-end research & development. USFN is a leading publisher of scientific research works in highly cited, high indexed and high standard International Journals such as SCOPUS, SCI/ESCI, Web of Science, UGC, Springer, Inderscience etc.

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