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Important Dates - Early Bird Registration : 20th December 2024   |   Abstract Submission : 20th January 2025   |   Full Paper Submission : 30th January 2025   |   Standard Registration Starts From : 21st December 2024

1. Q. I am a member of BioLEAGUES, Whether I have a discount. How can I register ?
Ans:Yes the members of BioLEAGUES, will have a discount. The same has been mentioned in conference registration page tab

2. Q. How do I register ?
Ans: You can register online on our secure site. If you have any questions or concerns, please call or email to the program Manager at [email protected]

3. Q. I What is included in the registration price ?
Ans: Registration includes Lunch on the day of the conference, access to all sessions, break beverages/snacks, Conference Proceedings, access to speaker presentations and a conference kit with certificates.

4. Q. Is there an additional discount for groups of 5 or more ?
Ans: Yes, there is a discount for groups of 5 or more from the same company, please contact the Program manager at [email protected] for details.

5. Q. I am registered, but cannot attend. Can I cancel or transfer my registration ?
Ans: You may substitute another individual in your place at no extra charge, but we do not refund registrations. That is clearly stated on the payment page of the registration process and confirmation message. If transferring, please forward the information to [email protected]

6. Q. Is there any discount if I submit 2 research papers ?
Ans: Yes, there will be a discount if you submit 2 papers. Contact Program Manager

7. Q. Can you provide me with a payment receipt with taxes ?
Ans: Yes, we do.

8. Q. Can you mention the university name in the receipt as they will be funding the conference ?
Ans: Yes, we do.

9. Q Can I pay onsite ?
Ans: Yes, you can pay the registration fee on-site but the fee will be higher than the online registration fee.
* Terms & conditions apply

10. Q. Is it okay if I will register after the deadline ?
Ans: The registration fee will be higher post-deadline.

Poster Presentation

  • A poster should include Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions Recommendations, and acknowledgements.
  • Use short sentences, simple words, and bullets to illustrate the points.
  • Text should be broken up by including graphics or photos. Self-explanatory graphics should dominate the poster.
  • Avoid using jargon, acronyms, or unusual abbreviations.
  • Use a non-serif font (e.g., Arial) for the poster.
  • No trade names should be used for drugs, devices, or instrumentation. Any medications or substances referred to in the materials must be identified by their scientific names only.
  • Interactive content/features that can be viewed using smartphones is allowed (for example, additional graphs, animations, videos related

Virtual Presentation

  • Select the ideal background, then optimise the lighting.
  • Make sure your PC is directly connected to your modem with an Ethernet connection. You'll get the best signal and the most reliable internet
  • connection from doing this. Use the same computer and internet connection for practise as when you really deliver the presentation.
  • Examine the webcam connection, then go closer so that the camera only captures your face, neck, and shoulders.
  • Ensure that your voice is clearly audible. External microphones or headphones may perform better than PC audio.
  • Just as in face-to-face presentations, audiences connect to authenticity, so be yourself when presenting! Allow your personality to shine.