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Important Dates - Early Bird Registration : 20th December 2024   |   Abstract Submission : 20th January 2025   |   Full Paper Submission : 30th January 2025   |   Standard Registration Starts From : 21st December 2024

Registration Guidelines

  • Authors are instructed to follow the below guidelines for submission of the abstract.
  • Registered members are asked to provide intimation about their payments immediately.
  • After completion of registration, every participant is required to send a scanned copy of the registration fee receipt or transaction proof to us immediately via Email.
  • Any modification in the paper will not be accepted after the final submission date.
  • 1 Author / co-author will be allowed per Registration.
  • Write an Email / Call coordinator as soon as possible, in case of registration beyond deadlines.
  • After Payment Download the Registration Form fill it and send to [email protected]